If you're someone who likes to party and has spent a long night drinking the 'liquid courage' then you may notice that you feel sluggish and lethargic the next day. Balancing fitness and social life can be challenging, but definitely possible (depending on your goals).
Let's first understand what happens after consuming alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes you to lose more liquid/fluid. This causes you to lose a lot of electrolytes. Why is this a problem? Well those electrolytes are required for optimal performance in the gym.
Electrolytes are a key part of your brain being able to send signals to your muscles. When you lose electrolytes, your muscles aren't able to exert their full capabilities, making you weaker.
So, how do we prevent this?
Drink lots of water. Nothing new here.
Drink electrolytes throughout the night (before, during, and after)
Combine these with a generally healthy lifestyle and a good meal before you go out should mitigate any performance hindrance you might face as a result of the alcohol consumption.
Stay safe, and good luck!