Summer is almost here! Many of you are thinking of how to get in shape so you can look and feel your best on the beach and other fun summer excursions. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of tips and strategies to help you get that stellar body.
Set Clear Goals: By picking a goal that is realistic and achievable for you and your time frame, you will have something clear to work towards and to be proud of.
Nutrition: Your diet is a critical part of the way your physique looks. If you want to lose a few pounds, you should burn more calories than you consume. ProGram’s nutrition calculator guides you every step of the way, telling you exactly how many calories you need each week.
Stay Consistent: One day of working out hard isn’t going to do much for your physique, but working out 4-5 times a week for a few months definitely will. ProGram offers workout programs written by personal trainers and will let you know whenever you have to go to the gym.
Sleep: Individuals who sleep tend to hold more muscle and less fat. Getting 6-8 hours (really depends on what you need to feel good) will help drastically.
Have Fun: Keeping a positive attitude and healthy relationship with your body is a key step in staying consistent and optimistic with the process.
Good luck to all of you and let us know if you have any questions!
ProGram Inc.